Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Season of More

Professor J, 

This Polar Vortex has me loving summer right now, but only because it reminds me of fall.  Kind of like in Vertigo when Jimmy Stewart's character is drawn to a woman because she reminds him of someone else. My relationship with summer is complicated.  The very best thing about the season to me is daylight at 5 A.M. which is the natural time I wake up. In December I'm up a couple of hours before the sun. It's a daily treat to watch the sun come up with coffee outside. This morning it was chilly!

Today, I don't have to go anywhere. It's my favorite kind of day. I'll weed the garden (a Herculean task after all the rain we've had), pick blueberries and blackberries, check the hives, and sweep the porch. At some point I'll sit in the swing with W&P. In the summer I have "clean" days and "dirty" days. The dirty days are the ones where I can get dirty because I don't have to be anywhere. My inner six year old likes that.

If you have a balcony or rooftop access you could easily grow blueberries in a container. You wouldn't get a lot but there is something wonderful about picking a berry and popping it in your mouth.
Your description of having your laptop but getting little done reminds me of being on vacation at the beach or in an airport with a book. The book merely becomes a prop so that I can people watch, something that I am able to do for hours.

Clearly, I need to increase my intake of green tea!

Looked up the experiment you mentioned. Isn't that disturbing? I recently paid quite a bit of money to go away for 3 days and be in silence. Undisturbed thinking is something I consider to be a luxury. People can't do it for 15 minutes??? You have to wonder what they are afraid of. It might be interesting to know the different types of people chosen, however. I think introverts are much more comfortable with that idea than extroverts, and those who have recently suffered some traumatic event or loss might react negatively. But I'm guessing it really is an indicator of just how much we expect to be constantly entertained and stimulated and how little deep thinking and introspection is going on for most people.

Earlier this morning while I sat in the swing a hummingbird darted around the cedar tree by the patio gathering what I cannot imagine would be very sweet nectar but then I'm sure he knows things I don't. As I watched he suddenly flew down and hovered two feet in front of me at eye level for about 20 seconds. I don't feed them with those plastic containers but have a wide variety of flowering plants in the garden that they love. Perhaps he wanted to say "thank you!" :) Very nice start to the day.

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