Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Professor J,

Hope you are feeling more like yourself again. The thing that made me the maddest when I was sick was that I finally had time to lounge around and read but my feverish brain couldn't focus on anything. Frustrating!

Today, in order not to overwhelm you, with more stuff to respond to, I'm keeping it simple.  This time of year I am in the mood to simplify. I cleaned out my clothes closet and pantry this week. It's always shocking to see how much can be accumulated and I'm not even a heavy shopper. Not surprisingly simplifying is one of those routine resolutions we make annually.

But it's becoming more than just a yearly personal challenge. I've noticed lately that in the media and among friends, the question of how much is enough and whether or not we could live with less is reaching a kind of tipping point. The attitude is less "can we do without some of this stuff?"  and more wouldn't we really be happier without some of this stuff?"

You and I discussed a few years back (that just sounds weird) the economic downturn and the likelihood that it would impact people's long term behavior. At the time we were talking specifically about debt and if we thought people had learned any lessons they'd been be applying to life after the recovery. But the learning to let go of material things, and order our lives in a way that is healthier, and simpler is apparently another side effect. Google "tiny houses" for images of just how small people are going. It's inspiring. They are not only tiny but affordable and sustainable. Only time will tell if it's a fad or if we are really moving past consumerism as a life style.

Here's a link to the Tiny House Blog. 

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