Sunday, February 15, 2015

Preserve, Inform, Inspire


My, my, we have been flitting from subject to subject.  How odd we are!  We can take a year on a single book and then change to three different subjects in a single post!

Your mention of the return of virulent anti-semitism and other hatreds we thought were on their way to fading out:  have you noticed that they may be fulfilling Toynbee’s famous warning  with just a slight modification—that when the last survivors, the last direct rememberers of a horrible mass evil have departed this life, the next one begins to form.  Or even  the departure of rememberers of “just” a systemic injustice.

It’s so easy to be cynical and revel in our supposed helplessness, to give ourselves permission that nothing can be done.

That’s what the status quo’ers want. 

But we don’t have to play, and particularly, don’t need to use their playbook.

We can instead choose a little pushback, or a determination to do good, to be a positive light; to be, as you remind us, our own little light. 

Like this person:

For those who can’t read the sign, it says

“Welcome Young Readers! This is a ‘Little Time Library’ Please take a book and return it for another book.  Read often! Read every day!”

Ah, libraries.  The mission of one near me is “to preserve yesterday, inform today, and inspire tomorrow.”

A good mission.  Whether it’s a public library, or, like above, a private one opened to the public!

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