Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hello Balkanization


Yes, other countries, many of whom we have had the arrogance to preach to about THEIR governmental and economic policies, must be brimming with disbelief, revulsion, or resentment at our hypocrisy.

And yes, game theory, the political scientist’s favorite.   There’s a lot that can be said about Mr. Fox’s analysis, and game theory is fraught with all sorts of potentially oversimplifying pitfalls, but it is possibly a more useful tool for analyzing things in Dysfunction Junction (aka, Washington D.C.) at the moment than any other.  Just as good political scientists and other analysts have probed beyond the conventional thinking of “they’re crazy” (when talking about seemingly inscrutable, intractable opponents—Soviets, North Koreans, Iranians--whoever), similar analysis can help out now.  And I hope it does.  History on this does not give us optimism, however, because if it is a guide, the current good work of the political scientists and others in this area will be ignored by nearly all policymakers, alas.

The Obama administration and its Democratic sometimes allies in the Senate have been playing trumped up games with much in and about government lately, with the Park Service being only one example.  There is MUCH to criticize this administration about outside this shutdown, from immigration, deportation, intelligence gathering, policy effectation competence, etc., but any sense of normal analysis and criticism is lost in the unending crises and the bizarre accusations and positions that come from many of the administration’s opponents.

Rubin Navarrette had an article recently ( about the U.S. echo chamber .  How we have become a disconnected society that does not challenge itself with new thoughts, but only pick and choose those outlets, media and otherwise, that echo back our present beliefs and emotions.  Add this to our gerrymandered (remember when sometimes they actually did something about this illegal practice?) Congressional districting, and we have a situation ripe for the balkanization taking place.   Even more ironic, considering the namesake of that phenomenon has been doing a good deal better lately than its name would imply.  That’s there, though.  This is America, however, the supposed UNITED States.

The overall good becomes lost or irrelevant in such an environment as we have now.  There are, for instance, so many FACTS that this administration can be critiqued on, but Obama hatred is so to the fanatic, irrational level, I find myself having to take too much time correcting misinformation.  Because his detractors are often so vitriolic and emotional—some even racist—they will assert (and their fellows/followers believe) the most outlandish and slanted things, so much so that the arena for discussion, reflection, and analysis becomes incredibly polluted.   I then find myself, in trying to clear out the false and the misleading, seeming to defend a man and his policies when I’m not thrilled with either! 

Madame and good readers, perhaps ye tire of my constant pointing out the disturbing similarities, but this facet is yet another similarity to another, once great and “exceptional,” people.  For the bizarre things being said now are just like the outrageous accusations in, yes, you guessed it, ancient Rome.

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