Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Great Gadsby

You might be wondering, but yes, I did spell that right.  More on that in a moment.

The WWII museum in NOLA has that submarine thing now?  When I went, they didn’t have that.  Guess we’ll have to trade jealousies back and forth!  I do remember the interactive bar though.  :)

I do not remember such a spy reality show, but I go through bouts of TV culture stunting where I miss all kinds of great stuff.  Is it on reruns or download anywhere?

You are right about the pictures.  While I am a lousy photographer (unlike MFP, who takes good pictures; the problem is, she rarely takes pictures), I do sometimes snap a few, although only occasionally of people—me or others—and more of historical things or “nifty” things.  However, I got one picture of me and my uncle and “ex” aunt.  Yes, yes, I couldn’t resist wearing that T-shirt that day. :)  And we all had full bellies.  My uncle insisted on covering his up. :)  And yes, he does have only one arm, another reason he covered up, as it masks it in pictures.  He lost his arm in a farming accident at age 14.

Excellent suggestions for future discussion.  We will make it so upon your return and after you regale us with your own travels.

Today’s travel day discussed will be a rather light one, as it started late since we got back so late the night before.  But I will include a picture (two in one post would be a new Prof record, but four or five!), so while it may be word light, the overall will be about the same space. :)

While MFP slept like only teenagers can do, there were additional things to see!  Walked down to the memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence.   They have a stone block dedicated to every one of the signers.  It’s not a famous memorial; not many visitors.  I took a picture of Ben’s block:

Then went to see the Arts of Peace and Arts of War statues (donated by Italy).  They aren’t too far from the Lincoln Memorial.

Then went to Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.  Visited the Gadsby’s Tavern/Museum (George Washington ate and slept there).  It was pretty neat to see the ballroom, the private dining rooms of old and what they ate, the sleeping rooms, etc. 

Lots of shops on King Street.  And a bar/restaurant called Rock It Grille, where the author of this post may or may not in the past have sung karaoke. :)  Finished off the late afternoon with eating at Bilbo Baggins Restaurant and Green Dragon Pub, where, in simulated hobbit fashion, the servers aren’t taller than 5’5”.  Pretty cool drinks (orc grog named stuff) and the food was pretty good too.

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