While I'm anxiously awaiting your criticisms I thought I'd elaborate on the one little thing you thought I might be the authority on. Eldredge nails those 3 little questions that he says all women are asking...I think he is absolutely correct even if women aren't consciously aware of it. As he points out the stories we are drawn to reveal our true desires. So if the questions we are asking are:
Will you pursue me?
Do you delight in me?
Will you fight for me?
The answers a lot of women feel they are getting from men are:
Sure, until I get what I want.
I guess. Momentarily anyway...oh, you meant as a PERSON.
If it's not too difficult. I'm really busy with work and all...
Men are frustrated and irritated by the ongoing questions: Am I pretty? Do I look fat? Do you love me? Much of that comes from a spiritual root cause. A woman acting out of a place of feeling loved unconditionally and sacrificially as well as accepted and chosen, by The Lover of her soul is free to let the man in her life off the hook for meeting every need, many of which he will never fully understand. In much the same way Christianity offers freedom from the grasping and greediness of materialism it offers the ability to love someone for WHO THEY ARE and not out of a place of some deep need the person is trying desperately to meet.
Sometimes the men in our lives (please note I did not say OUR men:)) can/do answer those questions in the way we so desperately need, but knowing there is One who not only will answer those questions with a resounding "YES!" but HAS is a much surer foundation for self worth than another fallible human being, no matter how sincere their effort or true their love.
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