Madame M:
A wonderful tour, visual
and otherwise, through the delights of your “turf.”
School has started back
up. This becomes the time of year for
politicians, many of them running for election or re-election, to lay blame for
America’s abysmal education system entirely at teachers’ feet. In fact, Robert Gibbs, Obama’s former press
secretary, and Campbell Brown, former CNN anchor, have teamed up to “declare
war on teacher tenure” (and by inference, war on the teachers unions—and their
teachers—that support it).
Leaving aside for the
moment the general plutocratic campaign of annihilation against unions in
general, of which this is a part, citizens should be aware of a few things:
War has been declared
against a group of people that labor under:
high-pressure; constantly increasing demands (although sometimes they
merely get shifted, mostly the priorities just get added on to); low pay;
little respect (probably the lowest in the developed world—maybe the entire
world); little appreciation; often disconnected students; frequently absent or
coddling/meddlesome parents; administrators that are too commonly abusive,
selfish, incompetent, or serving of outside interests; excessive sports or
outside activities emphasis; school funding that is wildly erratic and utterly
inconsistent; regularly hostile legislators; and increasingly ideological or
outside interest school boards. All this
(and more), and yet with many of the society’s problems—that society can’t or
won’t address—laid at the teachers’ feet with the insistent demand of “fix it!” and oh, yeah, become entirely responsible
for those kids’ outcomes, including the quality of those kids’ future jobs.
And you, Mr. (but
usually Ms.) Teacher, your continuance in your chosen profession—forget about
reward—will be almost entirely dependent on student “performance” and even how
the student feels about you.
Nearly every year, you,
teacher, will have to absorb another education “initiative” that is almost
certainly fated to derail or be supplanted, with countless extra hours (that
the public rarely sees) spent on it to comply or else.
And after all of the
above—plus a great deal more that isn’t listed—the public and their supposed
representatives will hurl vitriol at any attempt to defend yourself, wail that
the best and brightest don’t go into teaching, scream that you (not the factors
above) are to blame for the poor teachers among you, say that schools are
failing because of your union and what is needed is privatization (funded
privately, of course, and that will markedly increase the already high
inequality), and say that you, the little teacher, are entirely responsible for
the whole mess.
A disconnected, un-communal
society that will neither face reality nor hold itself responsible wants to
hold the least powerful responsible.
I have said it before,
but it bears repeating: As David Byrne,
Talking Heads lead singer, once remarked, “If this makes sense, STOP MAKING
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