Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dragging My Summer Heels


If you had moved a bit to the left to take that group picture, you could have caught your reflection in the glass. But I know how those things work. Everyone's just happy that they remembered to take a photo at all, but no one wants to sit there very long while the photographer seeks perfection.

The dilemma of giving money to the homeless is one we encounter fairly frequently. My son in law cuts them off before they finish a sentence. His police background has jaded him a bit. My husband routinely listens to their tale of woe and gives them something. Mr. Snarky recently returned to a woman who asked him for money and gave her five bucks after sitting in his car and asking himself what he was going to spend it on that would be more important than food if that's really what she was using it for. If my daughter and I are alone when we're approached, we have the added idea of safety in the back of our minds, as all women do, all the time. So then, we're not only sad about not giving (if the situation makes us uncomfortable), but that we live in a society where we have to be so wary.

There is a video making the rounds of a guy at a food court in a mall asking people who are eating, for food. They all say no. Later when he approaches homeless people they are willing to share food and money with him, no questions asked.

But alas, I am tempted to veer off of our attempt at a light summer of nonsense and relaxation.

How goes your reading of War and Peace? You probably finished. I'm slogging through like French troops in a harsh Russian winter. The distractions are unending!

A friend's daughter is teaching me to knit in exchange for my teaching her about beekeeping. We think something called a Knowledge Exchange between people who are passionate about various activities could catch on. Maybe during your long national holiday when people have more time. It's all coming together (if only in my mind).

Our super hot summer finally arrived. Boo. I'm dreaming of falling leaves, open windows, and fires in the evening.  And sweaters, maybe even one I could eventually knit for myself!

All my great summer memories are from childhood. The photo above is one such moment. I think I was doing...nothing! Lying on a blanket on the hood of our family car with my dad, watching fireworks. Catching frogs and putting them in my older sister's bed. Going to the drive-in, in my pajamas with my blanket and pillow. Root beer in a frosty mug, with a hot dog. Remember how the tray used to hang on the window? Remember when summer lasted until after Labor Day? School in August is a travesty. Well, great. Now I feel old.

Okay, what's your favorite childhood summer memory, Prof?

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