Our readers are probably still studying your last post. So as not to overwhelm them, and because I'm really tired, tonight's post is just for fun. My brilliant plan to do tweet live during tonight's debate was derailed. Twitter however, is my favorite part of live television and tonight's tweets did not disappoint. I'll leave the in depth analysis to you (our readers know how you love that). Here were my favorite moments:
Dan Savage
Domestic issues? Mitt is prepared to discuss maids, drivers, and gardeners.
RT @chrislhayes: Glad they're going w/ red and blue ties that correspond with our now well-established chromatic partisan coding.
Hi class. I'm professor Obama. Here's my syllabus.
I'm glad they shut third party candidates out of this thing to preserve its painfully boring atmosphere
"You can't have people opening banks in their garage." LOL! What about in their CAR ELEVATORS?
Any pundits who try to say someone won this debate was (incredibly) paying less attention than Jim Lehrer.
How can we make Jon Stewart hosting the debates happen? #debates
Candidates seem tired. Y'all seem tired. I'm tired.
How about we all get some sleep and try this again some other time?
What an excellent idea...
Good morning Professor J and Lovely Madame M,
Thank you so much for taking your time to answer my questions with your knowledge. You are very clever, optimistic, and diplomatic in such matters. I am very much appreciate it! The information you provided was very helpful to understand US government system and policy. Thanks again!
1. First of all, back to my first question. How big is it that
Government should be? I agree with you that government expenditures and liabilities decided the size of government. Those expenditures should be no higher than 30% of GDP. In other words when government consumes more than 30% of GDP it will hurt a nation, if over 40% will hurt badly. Today, US government has gone from 30% of GDP to 43% of GDP and that does NOT include another 6% + of state, county, and city GDP.
President Obama says that government will create jobs! In reality, for every one job “created” within government it takes the taxes of five private sector jobs to pay for that government job. Government does NOT create jobs. We need to encourage and support small businesses and reduce government regulation. Those small businesses create the jobs.
Central planning by government does not work. The lesson we had learned is that free people and free markets work best as long as government consumes less than 30% of GDP and along with a little government structure and guidance.
2. The people and businesses of the US don't need more taxation, but
they do need new tax law to penalize those who abuse the tax code. I agree that we need to increase tax rate for 1% of rich people. According to tax policy Center study report if Congress does not act to extend the tax cuts they will expire at the end of this year, 88% United States families would face higher taxes next year, each household an average tax increase $3500.00. In this case Congress would allow payroll taxes to be restored to the original standard, but maintain most of the Bush tax cuts, and to extend the "fix" plus the minimum tax. Well, the point is they need less government spending, to cut back on printing money and ended SS benefits to those who did not earn the entitlement.
3. Whether for big government or small government, all know that
the government should maintain a balance of revenues equal to the expenditure. US government liabilities are in “negative net worth”.
This does not count the secondary liability that US government has made of banks, car companies, and defense industries. Thank you for the explanation. Therefore, the US government cannot pay off these “maturing debts.” Today, we should learn to be humble, so we can stay strong nation. Maybe we can study the China or Indian or German foreign policy how we can get “free ticket” to our destination? LOL. My father used to tell me NEVER leave the boat to save people from drowning. Stay in the boat and lend them a helping hand. That is all you can or should do. Remember, the gun always aim at the leader bird. Maybe it is time to focus on our own problems!
4. Thank you for the great ideas how to pay off the 16 trillion in
debt. I agreed with that. However, it is not possible with our current political structure. We will go broke unless we change immediately!
5. Well, I am so inspired that you have optimistic views of our
future. Again, if we are not changing our political structure and not changing our lazy culture, we are not far from the troubles of Greece. Let’s hope for the best but prepare for the worst!
Life is not always like the way you want it to be, but don’t be discouraged by obstacles and setbacks! Let us hope the best for US.
That USED TO BE US! Praise the Lord! We pray the Lord will lead US to overcome this situation.
Good Friday Professor J and Lovely Madame M,
Would you please share your knowledge of below questions whenever you have a time? No rush! Confucius said, “Share your knowledge or else your brain will freeze.” LOL
1. Did you watch the presidential debate? If so… who did you think did the best job? …. And why?
2. How to educate the voters to vote the right candidate?
3. Which candidate would do a better job handing the economy?
4. Do you think Obama Care will destroy the innovation and productivity of health care?
5. Do you think American better off than four years ago? Why?
6. What do you think about this statement? Democrats PROMISE more to the people.......... Republicans DELIVER more to the people.
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